There is nothing more devastating than hearing that your child has been diagnosed with a childhood cancer. If the diagnosis was missed by a doctor, resulting in delayed treatment that could have prevented additional pain or even death, the sense of injustice is overwhelming.

We are the medical malpractice attorneys of Miller & Wagner, in Portland, Oregon. The firm is recognized as a pre-eminent litigation firm, advising and representing families of children victims of medical negligence throughout Oregon and southwestern Washington. Dave Miller has more than 25 years of trial experience on medical negligence claims — with much of that experience on the defense side of malpractice litigation.

Call us to arrange a free consultation if your doctor failed to diagnose or effectively treat any of the following conditions in your child:

  • Brain and nervous system cancers
  • Solid tumors, brain tumor, Wilms’ tumors, gliomas and medulloblastomas
  • Sarcomas, rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma
  • Bone cancers, marrow cancers, leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Testicular torsion
  • Appendicitis, meningitis

Our Attorneys on Your Side

Dave Miller and Bob Wagner both began their legal careers as a defense lawyer for malpractice insurance companies. Their insights into the claim evaluation and investigation process from the defense side can give you an accurate idea of the strength and value of your case. They also have access to a wide network of outstanding medical experts — trusted professionals whose involvement with your case is indispensable to its success. In fact, Oregon and Washington doctors often call Miller & Wagner when they need advice about potential malpractice claims for their own family members and friends.

Call 503-299-6116 about failure to diagnose childhood cancer

From our offices in Portland, our medical malpractice trial attorneys represent plaintiffs in medical negligence claims against physicians and health care providers throughout Oregon and Washington. For your convenience, we have a satellite office in Pacific City.

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