Dave Miller and Bob Wagner spent the first 20 years of their legal careers representing physicians in medical malpractice cases. In 2000, they decided to switch sides and have been representing injured patients ever since. This gives them a unique perspective and their clients a unique advantage: Miller & Wagner, LLP has more experience litigating medical malpractice cases than any other law firm in Oregon which represents injured patients.

It’s hard to overestimate how this experience benefits our clients.

First, one of the biggest challenges facing malpractice attorneys who represent patients is finding qualified medical expert witnesses willing to testify against fellow health care providers. Because we spent so many years representing physicians, we continue to have strong relationships with medical professionals all over the Pacific Northwest. As a result we have ready access to highly qualified medical experts who are unavailable to most attorneys. These relationships are so strong that many of our clients have been referred to us directly by health care professionals.

Dave & Bob talk about the history of their practice and why they fight for injured patients.

Second, Dave Miller and Bob Wagner know from firsthand experience how medical malpractice insurance companies evaluate cases. During their years as defense attorneys they were hired by nearly every medical malpractice insurance company in the Pacific Northwest to represent their insured physicians. In other words, they know from experience how insurance carriers and defense attorneys make decisions about whether to settle and for how much.

Third, the level of medical malpractice trial experience at Miller & Wagner, LLP is unmatched. Lawyers involved in medical malpractice litigation know that defense attorneys handle far more cases and have far greater experience than attorneys who represent injured patients. It’s the nature of the industry.

Between the two of them, Dave Miller & Bob Wagner have handled thousands of medical malpractice cases during their careers and have taken hundreds of cases to trial. No other law firm in Oregon that represents injured patients comes close to this level of experience. The malpractice insurance companies know that and it is reflected in the results we achieve for our clients.

Our Attorneys

We represent plaintiffs in
medical negligence claims
against physicians and health care providers throughout Oregon and Washington.