It is everyone’s fear. The sudden pain and pressure. The shortness of breath. The ache throughout the arms and torso. A heart attack. If you begin to feel the symptoms, the ambulance driver, the emergency room staff and your doctor better know how to diagnose properly and act quickly to stabilize you. Every year, more than 400,000 Americans die of a heart attack or coronary-related trauma. People who survive symptoms of a heart attack often suffer permanent heart damage, requiring multiple surgical procedures and a lifetime of medical care.

Proper treatment for a heart attack begins with rapid and correct diagnosis. Misdiagnosis of medical conditions such as a heart attack are among the leading readings, so many people suffer the damaging health affects or die. Licensed medical professionals are trained for emergency diagnosis and care of coronary conditions. If they misdiagnose, or treat the condition improperly, the victim may have recourse for compensation through our civil legal system.

If a member of your family recently suffered the effects of a heart attack that you feel was the result of misdiagnosis or delayed treatment by a medical professional in Oregon or southwestern Washington, talk to an attorney on the medical malpractice litigation team at Miller & Wagner, with offices in Portland.

Experienced, Knowledgeable and Effective Oregon Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Under the direction of senior partners Dave Miller and Robert Wagner, our team of trial lawyers has earned recognition among legal and medical professionals for our capacity to handle the most complex cases involving technical evidence. His previous career as a defense lawyer for insurance companies facing heart attack misdiagnosis claims gives you an advantage in litigation. Our attorneys’ insights into the investigation and strategies from the defense viewpoint give you an accurate idea of the strength and value of your case. To prepare and present the strongest evidence possible, we work with a broad network of outstanding medical experts — trusted professionals whose involvement with your case is indispensable to its success. In fact, Oregon doctors call Dave Miller when they need advice about potential malpractice claims in their own families.

Call 503-299-6116 about your doctor’s failure to diagnose heart attack

From our offices in Portland, our medical malpractice trial attorneys represent plaintiffs in medical negligence claims against physicians and health care providers throughout Oregon and Washington. For your convenience, we have a satellite office in Pacific City.

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